School Age Kids Swim Classes

These are levels we work towards here at starfish. As well as swimming skills we also teach all children water safety and how to help keep themselves safe around water.


TadpolesLevel 1


FrogsLevel 2


SpratsLevel 3


Level 4


SeahorseLevel 5


OctopusLevel 6


OttersLevel 7


PenguinsLevel 8


Level 9


DolphinsLevel 10

TADPOLES - Skills Required To Achieve Award

  1. Water safety rules
  2. Pool entry with support if required
  3. Walking in water with water at shoulder level
  4. Pick up objects from the bottom of the pool
  5. Submerge face in the water
  6. Float on front and back relaxed with assistance
  7. Float on front and back without assistance
  8. Regain feet from a floating position
  9. Blow bubbles with the face under the water

FROGS - Skills Required To Achieve Award

  1. Enter the pool safely without support
  2. Kick on front with board for 10m
  3. Push off wall and glide on back then regain feet
  4. Push off wall and glide on front then regain feet
  5. Roll from front to back then regain feet
  6. Kick on back with board then regain feet
  7. Streamline kick on front for 10m
  8. Kick on back unaided for 10m

SPRATS - Skills Required To Achieve Award

  1. Safe pool entry from a standing and sitting position
  2. Streamline kick on front and back
  3. On the front show a free arm action with a board
  4. On the back show a backstroke arm action with a board
  5. Continuous freestyle arm action
  6. Continuous backstroke arm action
  7. Swim 5m on front and back
  8. Rotate 360 degrees without touching the pool floor

FISH - Skills Required To Achieve Award

  1. Kick 15m on front using freestyle leg action with board
  2. Kick 15m backstroke in a streamlined position
  3. Kick on side in correct breathing position
  4. Show correct rolling and breathing technique
  5. Swim 15m freestyle showing good technique and breathing without stopping
  6. Swim 15m backstroke showing good technique and without stopping
  7. Demonstrate a sitting dive and glide

SEAHORSE - Skills Required To Achieve Award

  1. Demonstrate a good push off and streamline on front and back from a good starting position
  2. Swim 4 x 10m free and back without stopping
  3. Surface dive and retrieve an object from the pool floor
  4. Tread water for 20sec keeping head out of the water
  5. Swim 2 x 15m back showing good technique without stopping
  6. Tread water for 15sec then swim 20m

OCTOPUS - Skills Required To Achieve Award

  1. Demonstrate a front somersault from floating position
  2. Demonstrate a back somersault from floating position
  3. Swim 20m freestyle with good technique
  4. Swim 20m backstoke with good technique
  5. Swim 20m using a breaststroke action
  6. Tread water for 45 seconds then swim 20m Sculll Om head first
  7. Skull 10m feet first
  8. Demostrate a kneeling dive and swim out

OTTERS - Skills Required To Achieve Award

  1. Demonstrate good push and glide in a streamlined postion
  2. Using a pull buoy scull 15m on front or back
  3. Swim 20m freestyle using good style and breathing
  4. Swim 20m backstroke using good style
  5. Using a kickboard kick 4 x 15m freestyle
  6. Using a kickboard kick 4 x 15m backstroke
  7. Demonstrate a plunge dive into deep water
  8. Swim 100m using correct turns
  9. Unaided, exit the pool from deep water without using the steps

PENGUINS - Skills Required To Achieve Award

  1. Demonstrate a good push and streamline on front
  2. Demonstrate a good push and streamline on back
  3. Swim 20m freestyle using the correct turn, finish and controlled breathing
  4. Swim 20m backstroke using the correct turn and finish
  5. Swim 20m breaststroke using the correct turn and finish
  6. Kick 100m with a board, 50m freestyle, 50m other stroke
  7. Pull 100m freestyle demonstrate good technique
  8. Swim 200m using correct turns without stopping

SEALS - Skills Required To Achieve Award

  1. Swim 100m freestyle, show good technique with tumble turns
  2. Swim 100m backstroke, show good technique with tumble turns and finish
  3. Swim 100m breaststroke, show good technique with tumble turns and pullouts
  4. Swim 20m butterfly, show good stroke breathing every 2
  5. Kick 200m freestyle using a board
  6. Pull 200m (100 free 100 back), showing good technique
  7. From a dive, swim 40m freestyle in under 40 seconds with good technique
  8. Swim 400m freestyle, show good technique and tumble turns, no stopping

DOLPHINS - Skills Required To Achieve Award

  1. Swim 100m freestyle using good technique in 1min 40sec or better
  2. Swim 100m backstroke using good technique in under 1min 50sec or better
  3. Swim 100m breaststroke using good technique in under 2min or better
  4. Swim 40m butterfly using good technique and turns
  5. Swim 200m without stopping using correct technique and turns
  6. Kick 200m continuously with good technique (100 free 100 back)
  7. Pull 200m with good technique and turns (100 free 100 back)
  8. Demonstrate 3 good dive starts and sprint 20m in 20 sec or better
  9. Swim 800m or 1500m using good technique and correct turns throughout without stopping

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